
Laser cleaning & surface treatment

Laser cleaning is a highly effective solution for removing impurities from metal and polymer materials. In addition, it is an economical and highly ecological alternative compared to conventional cleaning technologies.

Laser metal welding

Laserové svařování kovů je metoda spojování materiálů, při které dochází k natavení obou svařovaných materiálů za pomoci laserového paprsku, ve většině případů bez použití přídavného materiálu.

Laser transmission welding

A dynamically developing technology that is becoming the standard for the creation of non-dismantling joints in thermoplastics. The process makes it possible to join thermoplastics with a strong and tight weld that is hidden inside the material and is often almost invisible.

Laser ablation

Laser ablation processes are highly flexible and find applications in various industries. The methods of these processes make it possible to achieve excellent results when modifying surfaces, improving their properties or removing unwanted layers of material.

Laser cutting

We offer a wide range of laser cutting services that are used in many industries. This process enables non-contact separation of materials without contamination from process residues and ensures a high quality cut with a number of other benefits.

Laser soldering

Laser soldering is a modern technology used for the permanent connection of metal components or parts with plated conductive surfaces using a laser.