Service and spare parts

Optimise your investment in laser technology with our comprehensive service packages that are tailored to individual customer needs and requirements. We offer several levels of support. With a signed service contract, we guarantee warranty and out-of-warranty service with the maximum availability of specialised engineers and spare parts, as well as professional intervention with immediate solutions to problems.

Why are service and maintenance so important?

  • Preventing production shutdowns
    A machine in a breakdown condition increases the risk of production stoppages, leading to significant financial losses for the company.
  • Diagnosis of condition and wear
    By regularly checking the current state of the machine, a professional maintenance service is able to detect potential risks of machine failure and ensure its operation is economically advantageous and reliable.
  • Ensuring consistent production quality
    The quality of products manufactured on a poorly or zero-serviced machine tends to decline significantly over time and will also affect productivity.
  • Extension of machine and component service life
    Regular servicing and maintenance help to maintain machine productivity and extend its service life significantly. The longer an installed machine serves, the better the return on the company investment in its purchase. Service and maintenance costs are always lower than the cost of purchasing a new machine.

Precitec service centre

We are the exclusive official distributor in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia of Precitec’s complete portfolio of laser process heads and diagnostics. At the same time we provide warranty and post-warranty service, and the delivery of all consumables and spare parts. More information can be found here.

Service contract packages

  • Basic maintenance service package
  • Guaranteed response time
  • Managed scheduling of service inspections
  • Special service line for receiving requests
  • This includes the BASIC package enhanced with preventive maintenance
  • Response and travel times
  • Qualified support via email and phone
  • Enhanced maintenance service including the BASIC and STANDARD packages
  • Availability of technicians also during weekends
  • Spare parts inventory to minimise repair time
  • Fixed monthly flat rate

Are you interested in our services?

Feel free to contact us.

IoT modul

Consultancy and training

Laser safety

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